Directory Information and Consent Form

This resource is exclusive to those who have been attending Maranatha for at least 6 months.

Please fill out the form with information you want in the Maranatha Photo Directory. After your request has been reviewed and your information uploaded, you will be given a username and password to access the directory. You will also be able to add your photo at that time and to edit your profile at any time as needed.

Privacy Policy

The Online Maranatha Church Directory will be password protected and information will not be sold to outside agencies or used by Maranatha for any purposes outside of our mission and/or activities.

The Printed Church Directory will be distributed only to people within the congregation and will not be sold or distributed to the general public.

Parents must give permission for photos, names and address of children under age 18 to appear in both the online and printed directory.

Personal Profiles

Anyone 18 or older will have their own personal profile. You must have an email address to be able to access the online directory – see first section below.

Names in your household
Under 18 Years Old
Under 18 Years Old
Under 18 Years Old
Under 18 Years Old
Under 18 Years Old
Under 18 Years Old
Under 18 Years Old
Under 18 Years Old
Cell Phone Numbers
Please include personal cell phone numbers you would like included in the directory
Please include personal email addresses you would like included in the directory
Consent Form
I/We hereby give permission to Maranatha Church to use my/our photos, names and personal information for the following:
Online Password-Protected Directory: I/We understand the directory will be password protected and the information will not be sold to outside agencies or used by Maranatha for any purposes outside of the church's mission and activities.
Online Password-Protected Directory:
Printed Church Directory: I/We understand the printed directory will be distributed to people within the congregation but will not be sold or distributed to the general public.
Printed Church Directory:
Children Under 18
Parents must give permission for their children's photos, names and addresses to appear in both the online and printed directory
I/We hereby give permission for my/our child/children under the age of 18 to be included in the online and/or printed directory
In addition to the online version of the directory, would you like a printed copy?*
Questions? Contact our directory team via email:
Validation Code