Sunday Support
Sundays are a very busy, and exciting day here at Maranatha! There is nothing quite like coming together to worship the Lord as one. We offer plenty of outreach on Sunday mornings and like to engage with each other over coffee and fellowship.
Various teams of greeters and ushers greet people with warm smiles as they walk into church each week. They hand out bulletins and manage the information desk where people sign up for activities or give their tithes. They encourage newcomers to fill out a Welcome/Connect Card.
Looking for: People who like making others feel welcome, enjoy managing a desk and helping people with a smile.
Approximate Time Commitment: every 4 weeks, arriving at 9:15 am and staying until people leave (around 11:30 am).
Hospitality/Welcome Team:
Welcome Desk attendants are often the first impression of Maranatha for newcomers and visitors. Our desire is to create a welcoming tone for everyone visiting Maranatha, particularly those visiting for the very first time. We do this, in part, by collecting Welcome/Connect Cards and extending Welcome Bags to newcomers who are considering being a part of Maranatha. We also help acquaint visitors with the various ministries of Maranatha, introduce them to others from the church who share their age/interest/demographic and sometimes offer a small tour of the church.
Looking for: People with a heart for hospitality who enjoy meeting and connecting new people.
Approximate Time Commitment: 9:45am-11:45am (pre and post service) on a monthly basis
Coffee/Cafe Team:
Are the wonderful individuals responsible for setting up, taking down and cleaning up after service Cafe time.
Looking for: People willing to join the teams that operate in both the fellowship and the Cafe/Youth Hall. Members of this team love to connect with others and enjoy serving their church community.
Approximate Time Commitment: 3 hours on rotation every 8 weeks. 9:15am-12:15pm.
Baking Team:
The baking team is responsible for the delicious treats provided to the congregation during after-service coffee time.
Looking for: Individuals who love to bake. Can bake at the church kitchen or at home with recipes provided. All recipes will include a “Gluten Free/Vegan” version.
Approximate Time Commitment: 2-3 hours once a month.
Medical Team:
People to be part of a Medical Team who will all be trained in CPR and AED use. Will also assist with General Health Policies and update the First Aid Kits.
Looking for: Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, or other Health Care Professionals with experience in the medical field.
Approximate Time Commitment: 2 hours every 2-3 months.