Who We Are

The Maranatha Growth Path

Maranatha ChurchIf you live in Belleville, you have probably driven past Maranatha Church on College Street between North Front and Sidney. You may have attended a concert or other event in our facility.

We are people who are on a journey to know Jesus Christ and to grow more like him.

We love to worship. We believe in the power of prayer.

We want to serve our community and even the world beyond Belleville in practical ways.

Whether you are a youth or a young adult, a young family, an empty nester or a senior, we invite you to “Join the Journey” with us at Maranatha.



Our Mission:

To know Christ deeply; to share Hime widely

Our Vision:

To be a church community that

  • Loves God passionately
  • Loves one another sincerely
  • Impacts the world powerfully



Our History

Our HistoryOur journey as a church began in 1953 with the post-war Dutch immigration. We moved from the Moose Hall (which no longer exists), to a basement built in a gravel pit on Orchard Drive, to a church built on that basement where we worshipped for 50 years before building our current facility on College Street West in 2008.

Today, we are a diverse congregation of young and old from every background and walk of life. We have become a well-known presence in Belleville thanks to hosting many community events.

We have room to grow with another 6 acres still open for development behind our building.


What We BelieveWhat We Believe

  • We believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God, through which He speaks to us about the good news of His love and grace made possible through Christ’s death on the cross and the new life we share through His resurrection and the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe God is alive and active in our day and that He will make Himself known to those who seek Him with sincere hearts.


Our Council


Harold Fledderus - Chair

Arend Wiarda - Vice Chair


Joe Bouma

Trevor Payton

Joe Veenstra

Jim Wannamaker


Pauline Kaldeway

Pat Plewman

Robyn Buikema

Our Staff

Tom Baird

Tom Baird

Title: Lead Pastor

Mike Nanninga

Mike Nanninga

Title: Pastor of Discipleship

Deborah Morgante

Deborah Morgante

Title: Director of Prayer Ministry

Sarita Van Dyke

Sarita Van Dyke

Title: Director of Congregational Life & Mission

Dave Botting

Dave Botting

Title: Executive Administrator

Shelley Schamehorn

Shelley Schamehorn

Title: Director of Children's Ministry

Adam Stickland

Adam Stickland

Title: Director of Worship/Young Adult Ministry

Elisha Dowber

Title: Director of Social Media

Nancy Koopmans

Nancy Koopmans

Title: Office Administrator

Dulyn Kamminga

Dulyn Kamminga

Title: Bookkeeper

Isaak Basaur

Isaak Basaur

Title: Custodian

Lisa Lammers

Lisa Lammers

Title: Custodian